Do not delay viewing this great value property, with so much to offer you are bound to be impressed. Situated down a long driveway off Burwood Road, this solid home is thoughtfully designed and spread across an approximately floor area of 180sqm. Central to the property is the open plan kitchen and dining area, the kitchen is a user-friendly size with great storage options. The living room is well positioned and flows beautifully to the outdoor entertaining area. Four full size bedrooms with good storage caters for a raft of buyers. The master suite is sublime with a decent en-suite and walk-in robe. Double internal access garaging with additional space for parking on-site. Low maintenance section with beautiful landscaping. Freehold 450sqm title, CERA zoned TC2. This property is well presented and finished to a commendable standard. The owners are building their next residence and would love to see their property sold on or before the deadline day.
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